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THE Holiday Hosting Guide

If you know me, then you know I love to throw a good party. While I'm very extroverted, I'm a homebody to my core so hosting a party at my house is the best of both worlds. When it comes to the Holidays, hosting can be extremely overwhelming so I put together this hosting guide that you can use for any party. They key is planning ahead of time, so for people like me who are natural procrastinators this is going to help you a ton!

TOP Tips:
  1. Set little goals for each day of the week before the party!

    1. Hosting parties can be fun just as long as you don't try to do every thing on the day of.

  2. Make ahead meals are your friend!

    1. The more you can do ahead of time the better.

  3. Don't try to do every thing!

    1. Delegate what you're not good at or don't have time for! I'm no baker so I always have my guests bring the desserts.

  4. Get the entertainment ready!

    1. Put together a playlist or queue up your favorite records to set the vibe, and have your favorite board games on deck for post-dinner entertainment.

  5. Don't be afraid to buy disposable or hit up the thrift market for serveware!

    1. While its nice to have a matching dinner table (*aesthetics*) don't sweat it if you don't have matching plates for every one to use. Remember that you are serving a home cooked meal, they're a snob if they turn their nose up to your dixie plate.

  6. Clean as you go!

    1. The last thing you want is for guests to arrive with the kitchen lookin a mess.


Party Planning Docs

I put together all of my docs that I use when I'm planning a party or even when I have a big week and need to stay on top of my s&$!. Like I said before, I'm a procrastinator so setting goals for myself really helps keep the panicking to a minimum when things need to get done.


Setting Your Menu

This is the first thing I do once I know how many people I'm hosting. Once the menu is set, you can start you grocery list and you can start to delegate what your guests should bring. Really think about how much time you really want to spend on cooking and prep. Your time and oven space is precious so you have to plan it accordingly.

Try to diversify your menu to appeal to different food sensitivities, plus your stomach will thank you for not putting dairy into every dish. I'm also a weirdo about consistencies, so I never like to have food that are similar in that way.

Check out my Holiday menu!

Turkey = about 1.25 lbs per person


Mood Board

When it came to setting my table I wanted to introduce vibrant colors the same way as I do in my cooking. Think about what you are going to be cooking, and how the decor, serveware, and other dinner table accessories would compliment your dishes.

Color Themes:

World Market:



Party Playlists

Set the vibe by getting the music going. Know your crowd, play songs you know every one will like!


While there are always unexpected hiccups when hosting during the Holidays the most important part is to make sure you actually enjoy yourself! Hosting is no fun if you're hiding in the kitchen cooking or doing dishes. So Enlist help from your friends and family and make it a fun activity to do together. So pour yourself a glass, turn on the music, and start planning your Holiday party!

Keep an eye out for more Holiday recipes and hosting tips!


Gabrielle (AKA @MorinYourMouth)

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Hi I'm Gabrielle! 

Welcome to my community where I create and curate recipes and lifestyle tips! I am based in Los Angeles where I spend most of my time cooking for my friends, exploring the city, and cuddling with my dog Louie. 

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